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Subscribe to Recycling Insights

As Recycling Insights is only available to legitimate companies that trade recyclable materials, we need to verify you first. Please enter your details below for verification, and once verified we will contact you to arrange payment. Only once payment is received, or an invoice issued, will you receive access to Recycling Insights.

By subscribing to Recycling Insights, you are also accepting our Terms & Conditions. Please ensure you read the Terms & Conditions before agreeing to subscribe. You will be required to enter pricing data into a form no more than once per week.

Entering your details into the form below will mean you have entered into a binding contract to subscribe to Recycling Insights for a period of at least 30 days. You may cancel anytime after that giving at least 30 days notice in writing to

Your subscription period will begin from the day your account with Recycling Insights is activated. 


Subscribe - monthly rolling contracts